Using a business number instead of your personal cell phone for work has several important benefits: Overall, using a business number helps you maintain a healthier work-life balance, enhances your professional image, and provides better control and security over your business communications.
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QuickBooks Desktop to stop selling to new U.S. subscribers
QuickBooks Desktop to stop selling in US several versions to new subscribers. The deadline to purchase new subscriptions of the listed products has been extended from July 31, 2024, to September 30, 2024. Here are some top questions you may have regarding this change. Q: What products will Intuit no longer be selling and what […]
Adobe Acrobat Reader downgrade and disable the New Acrobat
Are you having issues with Adobe Acrobat’s newest version? You can go back to the previous version by clicking on the menu (top-left), scroll down about 2/3’s of the way down, and click “disable New Acrobat”.
Dymo Printer Proprietary Labels
Dymo Printer Proprietary Labels have RFID chips. This means you are required to purchase Dymo brand labels to run on these news Dymo printers. If you are using custom labels, avoid purchasing the Dymo 550, Dymo 550 Turbo, and Dymo 5XL printers. These printers ONLY use proprietary Dymo labels. These labels have an RFID chip […]
China Tariff
November 21, 2018 Update 01/01/2019: this tariff has been placed on hold for now. On January 1st, 2019, the US government will be implementing a 25% tariff under the US Trade Act on ALL products imported from China. US Service Center will have to adjust selling prices accordingly on products imported from China, if and […]