What is multifactor authentication (MFA)?
Multifactor authentication (MFA) adds a layer of protection to the sign-in process. When accessing accounts or apps, users provide additional identity verification, such as scanning a fingerprint or entering a code received by phone.

What’s the difference between MFA, 2FA, and Two Step Verification?
The difference between MFA and 2FA is simple. Two-factor authentication always utilizes two of these factors to verify the user’s identity. Multi-factor authentication could involve two of the factors or it could involve all three. “Multi-factor” just means any number of factors greater than one.

Why should I enable MFA?
98% of login breaches can be prevented by enabling MFA. I would encourage everyone to enable MFA on all their on-line accounts.

How does MFA work?
After MFA is enabled, when you attempt to login to your account, the system will require a code. This code will either be texted or obtained using an authenticator app. Your mobile device will be required to receive the text or authenticator app to retrieve the code. Next, you will type in the code to complete the login to your account.

What happens next?
You may notice your e-mail has stopped working. After you enable MFA, your e-mail applications should be prompting you to re-authenticate. Follow the steps prompted by your applications.

Common Web-Sites
These are common web-sites and their direct links on enabling MFA.

MFA Application
Google Authenticator: is a common. The authenticator generates timed 2-Step Verification codes on your phone app. 2-Step Verification provides stronger security than text message