On this page, you’ll find crucial educational IT on carrying out fundamental computer tasks, including educational resources, specifically geared towards meeting the technology requirements of thriving businesses operating in the modern era. US Service Center can help you with any of these solutions. Contact us about our services.

US Service Center

  1. Technology News and Information (updated regularly from US Service Center)

How to instructions–

  1. How to Reboot your Computer Windows Apple
  2. How to Uninstall Software Windows Apple
  3. How to cut, copy, and paste Windows Apple
  4. Taking a screen shot on your devices: Windows Apple Android iPhone
  5. Change Audio Output in Windows 10
  6. How to set Default printer Windows Apple
  7. Keyboard Shortcuts Windows Apple
  8. Difference between USB-C and Thunderbolt 3

Microsoft Office 365 (aka Microsoft 365)

  1. Portal Login – click here (https://portal.office.com)
  2. Microsoft 365 Device Apps
  3. How to add account to your device Apple
  4. Enable Passcode on OneDrive Android iPhone/Pad
  5. OneDrive Files On-Demand


  1. Cyber Security Prevention
  2. Protect your Identity
  3. What is 2FA, MFA, and their importance to your security?
  4. How to secure common web-sites with MFA?
  5. What is two-factor authentication and how does it work on Facebook?
  6. Controlling Email SPAM
  7. The importance of device encryption
  8. How to Travel with your computer

Training Videos–

  1. Microsoft Outlook Training Videos
  2. Microsoft Office Training Videos


  1. CCPA – California Consumer Protection Act
  2. GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation


  1. What is a fully managed firewall?
  2. What is SD-WAN?

Business Questions–

  1. What is Managed Services?
  2. 7 Ways Managed IT Services Can Help Boost Employee Productivity
  3. Why is everything a subscription?
  4. What is a business email address?
  5. What is a web-site?
  6. Importance of a UPS
  7. How 5 Critical IT Issues Are Compromising YOUR Business
  8. Understanding Technology Costs
  9. How Much is it Costing Your Business to Run Old PCs?
  10. What is the cost of downtime for a CPA per day?
  11. How can a single cyber incident affect CPA clients’ data?
  12. What is ISV Certification?
  13. Business Equipment: Buying vs Leasing
  14. Cloud Services vs Physical Environment protections from cyber-threats